
I have had the great fortune of teaching a variety of classes during my undergraduate and graduate careers, in capacities ranging from teaching assistant to instructor. Through my teaching, I strive to make the classroom a more welcoming place for all students, and particularly shy students who often are overlooked in traditional classroom formats. I have found that simple acts, such as brief, individual interactions with each student periodically throughout a semester, can have a noticeable positive impact on their enjoyment of and engagement with the course.

At UT Austin

  • Fall 2018-Spring 2019: EE 460J — Data Science Lab (Teaching Assistant)
    • Led lab sessions, and graded homeworks and exams

At Duke

  • Spring 2017: CS 308 — Software Design and Implementation (Teaching Assistant)
    • Personally mentored 3 undergraduate CS students, conducted code reviews, advised and evaluated design and implementation of 3 software projects.
  • Fall 2015: ECE 280 — Signals and Systems (Teaching Assistant)
    • Held office hours and graded assignments for 70 undergraduate students.
  • Spring 2015: HOUSECS 59-08 — Emergence of Synthetic Biology (Co-designer/instructor)
    • Co-designed and taught the first-offered Duke course on synthetic biology to 10 undergraduates.